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DATE: September 18, 2024

Welcome Back Picnic

Mark your calendar!

Kick off the school year with MCE staff & families at the Annual Welcome Back Picnic!

Grab your picnic blanket and join us for the Mendon Center Welcome Back Family Picnic at 5:30pm-7:00pm on September 18, 2024.  This is a casual gathering of the MCE community — a place to meet new families, say hello to old friends, and enjoy an evening on the playground with your school family.

Wednesday, September 18th
Mendon Center Elementary Playground

Please register by Monday 9/16

Cost is $15 per family 
Pizza, kettle corn, DJ, and wild playground fun!

There will be NO WRISTBANDS necessary this year.  Just head right for the pizza!  Each family will receive one bag of kettle corn.  

The MCE parking lot cannot accommodate all the cars, so walk if you can or come early to park. There will be one shuttle bus to the Calkins Middle School parking lot and one shuttle bus to the Barker Middle School parking lot. 


Volunteers Needed

Parent and middle/high school student volunteers are needed (receive community service hours.)  Sign up forms are posted below.

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